The Inhabitants of the Oasis and White Desert


Allahu Akbar Allah is Great! Just imagine in the middle of rugged rock mountain terrain, dry sandy land, under the clear blue sky, conditioned by the hot day and chilly night, this one, and only Date tree ‘standing’ proud amid the lethal environment, which empirically illogical to the normal human kind. Without irrigation, left alone neither the organic nor the Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium (NPK) fertilizer, the tree fertility astonished one who sees it.
One of the legged inhabitants – Pinacate beetle a.k.a ‘clown’ beetle that survive the lethal environment of the White Desert, which signifies the Greatness of Allah azza wa jalla. If this obedient little ‘guy’ could survive this sort of habitat, why could not us, whom Allah swt has equipped with five senses?
This ‘4-wheel’ is everywhere and easily found at the oasis. Its existence is very important and significant to the Bahariyians’ daily life. This reminds me about what I learnt when I was in Pakistan 22 years ago; when one hears a donkey braying, he must say A’oodhu Billah hi minas shaytan nir rajeem or I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed shaytan.
I captured this shot at the El Heiss Oasis after we our pit stop for lunch. Subhanallah – glory be to Allah swt, these good-looking gorgeous and healthy cows astonished me.
The wild pink colored flower of rose was found pleasing and appealing amid the wild grass at the ElBeshmo lodge. Its presence was quite unusual (to us) but to Allah swt, the great Creator, everything albeit unthinkable to the any living creatures in this universe is always possible for Him.